sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

De triciclo a bicicleta

Durante muchos años he ido en triciclo por la vida.

Desde hace un año, esta misma vida me dijo "oye...ha llegado el momento de hacer un cambio, ya eres un adulto y debes dar...el paso siguiente".

Yo no entendí al principio lo que quería decir, la vida esta que hablaba. Pero luego pensé "...jo, los cambios dan miedo, pero por otro lado si no los haces, que haces?".

Hay veces que los cambios son necesarios, otras veces son inevitables y otras son un poco de cada cosa.

Y yo siempre he sido...una mujer valiente, pese a que andaba en triciclo por miedo a darme una ostia en bicicleta.

Pero como digo, el año pasado escuché a la vida. Y entonces decidí, cambiar, de triciclo a bicicleta. Pero el paso previo fue..."bicicleta con dos rueditas pequeñas".

Que vértigo me dio subirme a un lugar tan alto!!!. Que pánico sentí imaginándome con la cara empotrada en el cemento de mi acera!!!. Que mal me veía sin dientes...en el caso que mi boca hubiera llegado, si me cayera...al suelo!!!. Pero que tranquilidad me daban...las dos rueditas!.

Y una vez superado el shock inicial, comencé a disfrutar de lo que me ofrecía la bici, con rueditas.

Pedalee y pedalee, pero sentía que estaba atrapada, que yo quería ir más de prisa pero que no podía. Sentía que al triciclo lo tenía controlado y andaba en el con los ojos cerrados si hiciese falta, pero con esa bici...estaba a medias.

Y entonces, llegó el gran día de...quitarme las rueditas traseras. Dios que miedo pasé al principio. Le gritaba a mi hermana "NO me suelteeeeeeeessssss". Y ella me dijo que no me preocupara, que pedaleara.

Y comencé a pedalear con mucha alegría. El aire movía mi flequillo, y los árboles pasaban por mi lado muy de prisa. Intenté girarme sin soltar el manubrio para decirle a mi hermana, que esto era genial, que estaba contenta y que me gustaba mucho eso de andar en bici.

Pero cuando me giré...estaba yo sola andando en bicicleta. Mi hermana estaba lejos y me saludaba con la mano.

En ese instante, me volvió el miedo pero transformado en terror. Pero ese estado de pánico me duró poco tiempo. Pasados unos segundo, miré hacia adelante, me sujeté bien fuerte del manubrio y comencé a disfrutar del paseo.

Y cuando me relajé, comencé a sentir algo muy placentero: la sensación de libertad y de seguridad.

Comencé a disfrutar mientras me felicitaba a mi misma por haberme animado a intentar, quitarme las dos rueditas.
Acto seguido me dije "...bien por mi, lo he conseguido!!!".

Ahora, que ya soy una experta en andar en bici, tengo mis manías. Me gustan las bicis con caño bajo y cestita.

Lo del caño bajo (como se dice en Argentina) es porque me da la seguridad que, en caso de obstáculos insalvables, siempre puedo saltar y no caerme.

Esto...lo de saltar, aunque parezca raro, es algo que yo hago mucho. Si hay problemas, tiro la bicicleta al suelo y salto, porque lo importante es que yo, no me haga daño.

Y a que viene todo esta historia de la bici?

Pues a que mi nuevo objetivo en la vida es, andar en bicicleta.

Sé que parece un objetivo pobre, pero para mi es mucho. Tener un objetivo en mis circunstancias personales es la OSTIA!.

Y cuando uno tiene claro lo que quiere, ese "algo"...aparece.

El próximo martes 22 de junio me voy de España, a vivir (al menos por un tiempo largo) cerca de los míos en Buenos Aires. Tomar esta decisión ha sido tan difícil como animarme a quitarle las rueditas, a la bici con rueditas traseras.

Pero la decisión ya está tomada, no hay vuelta atrás, en breve dejo a mi querida Madrid.

No sé cuanto tiempo estaré en Argentina, sólo sé que me llevo de España lo más valioso que tengo, mi querido Dido.

He regalado, tirado, donado....muchas cosas que acumulé durante 22 años, pero las cosas son eso, cosas...y cada tanto viene bien desprenderse de ellas.

Porque cuando uno comienza una nueva vida, debe comenzar de CERO. Y en esto estoy.

Ahora que voy a cruzar otra vez el Atlántico, he decidido dejar el triciclo en España, aparcado en un buen lugar, con buen clima y buenas vistas porque el es muy exigente y no se lo puede dejar en cualquier sitio.

Pero no lo llevo porque el muy español y no se adaptará a otro país, lo sé...lo conozco, hemos estado juntos mucho tiempo.

Aquí se queda mi triciclo pero allá tendré una bicicleta con caño bajo y cesta.

A partir de ahora, cuando vuelva a escribir será desde el otro lado, desde otro clima, desde otro uso horario, desde otro continente, desde otra vida y desde una bicicleta. Y desde otro blog que se llamará...Andando en bicicleta...o algo así! ya os lo contaré.

Pero seguiré siendo Kiri. Pero seré Kiri...la de la bicicleta.

Un beso a todos.

Y por favor, cuidarme este rinconcito del planeta que está muy revuelto pero que yo quiero mucho.

A cuidarse!!!.

58 comentarios:

juan rafael dijo...

Espero que estos cambios vayan a mejor.

Buena suerte y buen viaje.

Sick dijo...

Bon viatge! Buen viaje Kiri! Sé feliz allá donde vayas, aquí seguiremos esperando tu regreso, ya sea internaútico o físico.
Ánimo, fuerza y un abrazo muy muy fuerte. Hermosa!!!

Lirium*Lilia dijo...

Hola hermosa!
Me ha encantado este post... sobre todo tu postura... y sí, a veces las cosas dan miedo, sobre todo los cambios, pero siempre traen cosas buenas...
Y hablando de cosas, siempre es difícil desprenderse de ellas, a mí siempre me costó pero ahora ya lo hago sin problemas: libros, música, cassettes que nunca volveré a escuchar, videos, revistas... dicen que es bueno despedir cosas para dejar espacio para nuevas energías, y pienso que así es, y que seguramente comenzarás no de 0, sino con el real bagaje que traes a Argentina que no es precisamente el material.
Te deseo lo mejor. Avisá por aquí cuando comenzarás a pedalear sobre la bici-blog así no te perdemos de vista.
Seguramente ya estarás aquí, hoy es 22, así que sólo resta decirte:
Y como hoy ganó la selección el partido del mundial seguramente andarás siendo testigo de tanto bullicio de festejo.
Un fuerte fuerte abrazo.

Ivana Carina dijo...


Naaa, te he tenido abandonada, muy mal lo mío, sha se....

Pero cuando lei esta noticia dije: Ay! 1500 kms no es tanto como un océano de distancia! Jaja!!!

A veces es necesario un cambio, aunque extrañaremos al Triciclo que tantas cosas lindas compartió con vos y con nosotros, pero nos acostumbraremos a la bici, che! Ahora andarás en dos ruedas, como sho, ajajaja!! :P

Espero que apenas puedas, te conectes al MSN y a ver si nos ponemos al día, Haarrmmoossaa!!!

Miles de besotes y WELCOME TO ARGENTINA, SWEETIE!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

María dijo...

Las vueltas que da la vida, quién lo iba a decir.
Esos cambios son para bien, vuelta a casa con tanto que contar...
Mucha suerte, toca vivir.


Kiri dijo...

Gracias amigos. Mi Dido y yo nos estamos adaptando, lentamente...ya os contaré. Un beso enorme para todos.

Anónimo dijo...

espero que te vaya muy bien por Argentina, la verdad que es grande aquello para recorrerlo en bici, igual tienes que cambiar a la moto.
Un Abrazo

matrioska_verde dijo...

mucha suerte en tu nueva etapa cerca de los tuyos. seguro que estarás bien.


Uma dijo...

Kiri, siglos que no entraba al blog, pero verás que no me olvido de vos.
Todo lo mejor en este regreso. Cuando quieras, te prestaremos nuestra "Dama Roja" de dos ruedas y motor, para que no te canses pedaleando.
Espero poder leerte prontito!!!!!
Un beso y abrazo muy grande.

Kiri dijo...

Serbal: Ni loca voy en moto...hace mucho ruido y contamina jejeje. Un beso.

Aldabra: Biquiños para ti también.

Uma: Yo tampoco te olvido. Y pronto te visitaré.

Besos para todos!. Y por aquí seguimos con mucho frío (ola polar le dicen:-(.

Qalamana dijo...

Qué bonito post Kiri...

Te deseo todo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa y ojalá en breve te animes a publicar otra vez por aquí...

A por todas!!!

juan miguel dijo...

que me ha encantao lo que escribes
me hiciste pensar en mis triciclos y lo mal envueltos que están,

Kiri dijo...

Qalamana: Gracias guapa, en eso estoy. Besos desde el otro lado del atlántico:-).

Juan Miguel: Gracias:-).

El rincòn de mi niñez dijo...

Siempre me gustó leerte.
Escribís bien bonito.
Bienvenida a la argentina.
Queremos leerte nuevamente.Un beso y cuidate mucho

Anónimo dijo...

Qué tengas suerte!

El rincòn de mi niñez dijo...

Espero estés bien Kiri
Un abrazo

Lirium*Lilia dijo...

Hola muchachita! Se te sigue extrañando por aquí.
Como ha dicho "El rincón" espero que estés bien y que hayas comenzado bien este año.
Un fuerte fuerte abrazo.

Kiri dijo...

Hola chic@s...que recuerdos me trae este triciclo mio. Estoy en España, he venido a trabajar 2 meses y ahora, otra vez un mes de junio me vuelvo para Argentina. Cuando tenga un poco más de tiempo os contaré cosas. Un beso a tod@s y gracias por pasaros por aquí a saludar.

El rincòn de mi niñez dijo...

Que bueno leerte...Siiii por favor!!contá como van las cosas.Queremos nuevamente el triciclo.
Un abrazo

Lirium*Lilia dijo...

Qué alegría ver por aquí a la triciclera.
Un abrazo fuerte fuerte.

Sick dijo...

Kiri!!! Seguimos esperándote, eh? A ver si nos actualizas esto, que te echamos de menos.

Beso super grande!!

El rincòn de mi niñez dijo...


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Fashionable Formal Wear For Busty Gals

Gone would be the days when there have been not a variety of decisions of clothing for busty girls. But currently factors are about the other side; from offline until on-line there's an exhibition of plus dimension gals apparel. Exclusive formal and informal plus size wears have provided a new definition and which means to your trend planet.

Designers have realized that the scope for plus dimension dresses is quite broad. It'll always keep on rising continuously. Like for other gals normally, there is a big assortment of dresses for busty females, manufactured especially for them. It incorporates all varieties of clothing, of all styles, fabrics, cuts, models, and so on. Now curvy women are certainly not different than other girls and may delight in very same flavors like many others. There's a lot of stores, showrooms, from the internet outlets that specialize in plus sized clothes effortless elegance and have wide types of full figured fashions. Also there are lots of upcoming designs which might be hitting the style industry by topping. It time to celebrate your figure with fashionable attires.

Formal dress in for plus size gals have grown to be the speak in the town. They've got produced an awesome impact on the designers innovative pondering, given that the time their prospective is realized. These thoughts blowing exclusive formal wears are progressing incredibly at a better speed. In formal events, total figured girls don really have to hide underneath their clothes. There are several dresses that makes plus dimension girls to search wonderful though enabling them to display off assets. Thoroughly intended formal wears enhances the figure and makes 1 come to feel confident concerning the appearance. But even while choosing a formal dress always keep selected things in thoughts that will guide in finding.

1)Foremost really important point that has to be checked will be the fit of the dress. Best suited match flatters the figure even though unwell fitting could make you appear bulgier. two)2nd very important factor is, whether or not dress is performing its process of improving the assets or not. Appropriate formal dress would be the a single which offers good shape to every one of the veers and camouflage the flaws. This superior quality will stand you out from your crowd irrespective of the kind of dress you choose. 3)Black dress is looked at preferred for formal occasions and finest good friend of curvy gals. Nice issue about this is that it does not more than emphasize chest. Also a wide range of variations can be found in it. four)Empire waist dresses are thought of preferred for plus dimension girls. It's a higher waistline dress that falls just beneath the breasts to demonstrate off your bust when hiding figure blemishes. five)Busty ladies may want to select v-neckline for your dress. These operate preferred for them. If prefer to display a good deal more cleavage may want to opt a dress with a jewel neckline. six)Final but not the least, trial. Without doubt try out the dress on oneself just before creating a last acquire. Appear and comfort would be the two aspects that make your mind up no matter if the dress is suitable to suit your needs or not?

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Omega Seamaster Resilient And Wearable

Statistics present that 7 from 10 men and women within the globe know about Omega brand. This kind of reputation is because of the good quality and dedication to precision timepieces of the watchmaking firm. The brand was made by Louis Brandt when he was just a 23 years outdated lad. In 1848 he developed his workshop in Le Chaux-de-Fonds.

One within the most well known timepieces from Omega is termed Seamaster. The latter was launched for the 1st time in 1948 followed by Seamaster 300 in 1957. Later on in 1981 the improved Omega Seamaster 120 set a world record resisting a 101 meters below water. The well-known designs gained its fame getting the preference of James Bond.

The watch is long lasting and it could be worn at any occasion, at just about every place and anytime. As being a practical watch one particular can use it while diving, and as a fancy view it may be worn at any dinner get together. The amazing timepiece is usually viewed in some videos about James Bond, where the "famous spy" wears it in "Goldeneye" and "Tomorrow Under no circumstances Dies".

The view isn't only useful and gook seeking, like several of other watches of famed brand the Omega Seamaster is surely an costly watch. The model has two versions: the older 1 is considered to become the James Bond Version its bezel getting dark blue as well as newer version using a brilliant blue bezel. The Seamaster is also readily available which has a quartz movement or even a mechanical a single.

It happens to be up to the consumer to choose whether to purchase a a whole lot more cache Seamaster or the one that exhibits much more precision in timekeeping. The model by using a mechanical motion runs only when its possessor wear it, but when a individual won't dress in the same watch day-after-day then the mechanical motion Seamaster will need to be reset.

Some unique characteristics of the watch involve the availability from the timepiece to resist as much as 300 meters below water. The watch may be a really serious diving model having a helium escape valve. The timepiece can also be really durable and it happens to be quite comfortable to wear. Despite the fact that it appeared in some James Bond videos the watch doesn't possess a laser minimize just like the one particular presented in "Goldeneye" or "Tomorrow Never ever Dies".

A significant benefit on the view is its universal layout that allows you to put on the timepiece at any occasion. The stainless steel from which the Seamaster is manufactured of along with the blue encounter make the view particularly captivating. The observe is analog with minute, 2nd and hour functions. This model also features a date display at 3 o'clock. The date is extremely simple to set. However the date wants to become up to date just about every month that won't comprise of 31days.

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Rolex Trade In Watches For that Classy Most people

During the prior instances the watches had been just utilized for telling many people regarding the time. At the moment, they can be not just considered to become the time piece however they are taken as a status symbol by most of the people. Each of the critical personalities like to dress in the top branded watches as these are noted a lot and this is a superb way of receiving the attention of many others around them. Because the demands with the many people for finding the elegant on the lookout watches is escalating, so does the brand names. A lot of the businesses are emerging for offering you the watches that make you stand out in a group of people but there are a few that surpass other people. There are various branded companies for the watches like Michelle watches, Cartier watches, Breitling watches, Omega watches and Rolex watches. All of those manufacturers make classy seeking watches which might be utilized to enhance the personality within the people today and make them observed wherever they go. Using the enable of these watches, customers get to appeal to many others. Finding the proper brand depends upon the liking from the people today. A lot of people like to wear the Rolex ones and other people need to possess the Omega ones. Also, a great number of guys prefer to dress in the mens Breitling watches that are employed to generate the personality in the males further prominent.

When people today get bored with their outdated stuff, they prefer to promote them and desire to have a new 1 as an alternative to the previous 1. This is often also the case using the branded watches nonetheless it just isn't so simple to get the brand new 1 unless you receive to sale them off at a handsome cost. The watches of Rolex provide you this superb function and you can conveniently possess the Rolex trade in watches. It's now very very simple for people today to obtain rid of their outdated watches and obtain a new observe of Rolex for them. These are excellent for all those observe lovers who can't afford to get two branded watches simultaneously and would like to get a new one particular in place of their previous view. This enables them to conserve their hard earned cash dramatically. Its also potential now to possess the brand named watches for less and on this way you're able to conserve a lot of cash. The replicas of these branded watches can be found and these watches are the clever alternative for those who choose to have the watches of leading fashion but in addition choose to keep within their budget.

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Omega 2900.50.81 at Montresen

Omega watches are regarded for both 321. their precision and elegance. This kind of a sterling combination of beauty 5705.thirty.01 and excellence may perhaps be 3519.50.00 the bring about why they command such a significant price. Every single single man or woman who owns a 4370.12.00 Omega treats it 1460.75.00 like a treasured possession. For anyone who personal a Omega and choose to cherish it forever, then you certainly really have to study with regards to the ideal 5943.40.31 solution to get proper care of your observe. A straight forward care and standard maintenance plan won't just protect your Omega in fabulous doing work predicament for years to come, but will current the basically really feel which you are sporting a brand-new Omega nearly each time you place on your view.

Omega watches are regarded to turned out to be from the perfect sport and luxurious watches from the globe. They've got been doing work challenging at this craft for over one hundred fifty a long time now, and in addition have spot their stamp inside the historical previous books. Their accomplishments within the improvement of timekeeping are phenomenal and their innovations have induced a stir inside the entire world of watchmaking. The craftsmen at Omega have by no implies produced a choice that satisfactory is ample. They protect pushing the boundaries and stretching their sense of imagination, to current us the rather most productive timepieces. Their quest for excellence has in no way brought on them to zero cost sight from the kind and aesthetics that's been this kind of the sizeable part of what tends for making them who they are.

Omega watches are critically sought quickly immediately after time items due to company's thorough advertising campaigns, and endorsement of substantial worl broad athletic competitions, as an example the Olympics. By collaborating in immense marketing campaigns that drive income, the Omega brand is has an universal perception of high good quality, accuracy and type.

Omega watches are a variety of from the excellent watches within the planet at the moment. They boast attributes linked with accuracy and accuracy, despite the fact that also preserving a spectacular search and variety buyers can only dream of. Several the view selection includes the Formula1, Monaco and Carrera and are ordinarily created up of stainless steel or leather casing.

Omega watches are so stylish that folks have designed Cheap Omega watches. They match the kinds and design and style of actual Omega watches with out the added fees. You can get less expensive repliques and increased finish repliques. Countless situations the less costly repliques mimic the design and layout of Omega watches nevertheless elevated end repliques offer precise particulars of Omega watches. The repliques present clients luxurious watches at an incredibly sensible price tag. They are stylish, stylish and correctly undoubtedly worth the cash. They're created from from superb higher top quality supplies and are lengthy lasting. The repliques are an exact match to your genuine element apart from the fact that you are conserving moolah.

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They are any sought after, and as a result very expensive.
Especially if they look close enough or touch them. You will find out a lot of designer
items appearing sold openly on the market today.

Anónimo dijo...

The Duchess of Cambridge was in presence wearing a azure Bella dress of Whistles.
The line was previously shown on London Fashion
Week in 1998. They may used grey with other colours in collaboration.

By working with them, there become no need to get entangled in 2nd tasks of the.
